My trip to Oregon and shooting my big sister.
Since I was a little girl, like most little sisters I wanted to be EXACTLY like my big sister.
But my sister isn’t like most big sisters she’s a brazen bad ass who travels the country, hangs from helicopters, fights fires and taught me how to pee outside!!
YEP she’s THAT awesome.
My sister is a total tomboy but she doesn’t give herself credit for how beautiful she is. Like most women she has gotten caught up in careers and life and sometimes forgets to take a second to appreciate herself.
So I flew to Oregon to give her a little reminder. ;)
She helped me set up boudoir party in a gorgeous rental home in Joseph, OR. Seven beautiful girls came to the event where there was champagne and lots of cowboy attire!
My sister was super nervous, the makeup artist curled her long naturally silver hair (it’s okay to hate her for looking sooo good naturally silver, I know I do!!), curled her lashes and put on a pink lip gloss. I wouldn’t let her see what the hair and makeup artist did till after our shoot because I know my sister has a tendency to freak out!!! I tried to put her in lace and girly things and you would of thought I put her in a chicken suit! Soon after being super girly, I let her put on a leather jacket and her super-hot work boots. Instantly she was in her element. My sister was her typical bad ass self the moment she strapped on her boots. Then I took some of the most favorite photos I have ever taken!
My big sister is my hero and it was amazing to have this experience with her. This trip and shoot has made us closer and I got to make her feel beautiful! Through my work, my sister got to witness how much of a badass I am!
She’s been awesome enough to let me share her photos with you!
The sneezing one is her favorite… we aren’t a very serious family.
Xoxo Candra
May 27, 2015, 4:55:43 PM
Irene - I totally quote relate unquote to your badass big sister!!
May 27, 2015, 12:45:09 PM
Holly - Just stunning photos and I love the sneezing one. Your sis is awesome and I love her too. You definitely found her sexy, sultry side. Beautiful and badass!