Why every woman should get maternity photos.
Pregnancy is one of those magical things that only a woman can experience.
It’s a celebration of life and feminine power. (I mean BESIDES the awful morning sickness and swollen feet) It’s when you’re closest to your baby.
I LOVE maternity photos, I love it when my clients get shamelessly feminine and sexy! One would think pregnancy and sexy are not coinciding, but they soooo are.
Your belly swells, the connection with your little one starts to grow and the life inside you kicks the crap out of your insides.
Your body is showing you the amazing things it is capable of.
If that isn’t sexy… I don’t know what is.
So here are a couple of photos of a woman you might recognize from previous images I’ve taken.
We have been friends since college. She first modeled for me 5 years ago and I have watched her life change before my very eyes. It’s been awesome!
I have photographed her come into her own and become such a strong intelligent woman,( AND SILLY because I cant lie sometimes she has me on the ground in pain from laughing).
I feel honored to have photographed her wedding, maternity and soon her little boy.
She wanted to make sure that we didn’t do anything “cheesy”. She did not want nor was into the, ‘two hands on the belly white back ground JCpenny look’. We did something a little more her.
We wanted to celebrate the process of growing life, her amazing body and honestly make a lot of jokes about the not so cute side of pregnancy.
But that’s the best part about maternity photos!
Every body, ever belly and every journey is different.
I love photographing a woman in a way that represents how she views this
crazy, weird and beautiful time in her life!
I hope I have a lot more bellies and a lot more mommies in my future!
Xoxox Candra